Indiana Jones will be back, Steven Spielberg told EW.

Paramount Pictures
Indiana Jones will be back, Steven Spielberg says.
By Gael Fashingbauer Cooper
Steven Spielberg didn't reveal too much about "Indiana Jones 5" in his lengthy interview with Entertainment Weekly, but fans and movie sites are digging out info anyway.
The director did tell the magazine in its Dec. 9 cover story?that in 2008's "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," he enjoyed bringing out Jones'?family, but?was not so much in favor of introducing aliens.
Spielberg insisted he was "really proud" of "Crystal Skull," despite having told a 30th-anniversary "Raiders of the Lost Ark" screening audience that he knew he burned bridges with that film.
"It's public that George [Lucas] and I and Harrison [Ford] all had a clash about genre and concept," Spielberg told the magazine. "But I've always told George's stories. ... I am best friends with George and I am very obedient to the stories he writes. I'll fight things I don't believe in but ultimately, if George wants to bring interdimensional beings into 'Crystal Skull,' I will do the best job I possibly can to acquit George's idea and make him proud.
Spielberg was asked about star Shia LaBeouf's criticisms of the film, but wouldn't comment. LaBeouf told the L.A. Times that he felt he as an actor "dropped the ball" on Jones' legacy, and "there was a reason" the film wasn't universally accepted.
There's still a chance to redeem Indy's legacy, however. "[Lucas and I]?have already agreed on the genre of the fifth movie, we already have a concept in mind," Spielberg told EW. "There is no 'Indy 5' until George says there is."
Film blog Moviehole has a fun list of what's known about the fifth movie.?Site editor Clint Morris tallies various reports and filmmaker comments and says in addition to no aliens, the film's unlikely to be set in the Bermuda Triangle (an early rumor), and that Lucas would like the film continuing on the same timeline, while Spielberg prefers the film would be a prequel to "Crystal Skull."? The site also says that despite his diss, Shia LaBeouf will likely return, and that despite another rumor to the contrary, Indy himself won't be killed off.
Will you see a fifth "Indiana Jones" movie? Did "Crystal Skull" live up to the character's legacy? Tell us in the comments.
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