রবিবার, ৪ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Anger Management And Domestic Violence. - How To Quit - How To ...

H?w ?? ?n??r management connected t? domestic violence? Well, ??t simply, m??t people th?t abuse th??r spouse ?n th?? kind ?f situation, ??t ?n?r? due t? ??m? anti-social disorder ?n th?t person?s subconscious mind. An??r ?? one ?f th? main characteristics ?f personality disorder, including paranoia, schizophrenia, schizoid, antisocial, psychopathic, histrionic ?n? sociopathic personalities.

Many people th?t ?r? abusive ?n relationships h??? anti-social personalities. Th? anti-social personality type ?f person ?ft?n attacks wh?n h? ?r ?h? ?? drunk ?r under th? influence ?f ??m? drug ?r ?th?r. Th?? ?? n?t tr?? ?n ??? cases ?f course, b?t ?t ?? tr?? ?n m??t circumstances. Anti-social personality types ?ft?n disobey rules ?n? regulations ?n? usually feel th?t th?? h??? th? r??ht t? ?? ??. Anti-social personality types ?r? control freaks ?n? ?f ??? ?? n?t conform t? th??r authority, th?? ?ft?n ?h?w th??r ?n??r ?n a controlling ?r violent way.

Anti-social personality types w??? humiliate, intimidate, brutally physically abuse ?n? mentally belittle, b?t ?n??r ?n? domestic abuse doesn?t ?t?? th?r?. Th?? type ?f individual h?? never b??n proven a ???? candidate f?r ?n??r management. In ?th?r words, men th?t batter th??r wives w??? m??t ??k??? continue t? ?? ?? until someone gets seriously injured. It ?? n?t wise t? engage w?th th??? types, ?? th?r? ?? rarely ?n? hope ?f recovery. Th?? type w??? ?ft?n beat a person, until death becomes th? focus. Th?? means someone ????? die, ??n?? th?? sort ?f person w??? become angrier through th? years ?n? w??? rarely ??k f?r h??? ?n ?n??r management f?r domestic violence.

Even ?f h? ?r ?h? ???? ??t ?n??r management h??? f?r domestic violence, ?t ?ft?n fails. It ?? n?t recommended t? ?t?rt a relationship w?th th?? type ?f person. Th? signs ?r? ?n unkempt appearance ?r wild expressions, laughing f?r n? apparent purpose, laughing ?t a situation wh?r? a person w?? injured, outbursts ?f ?n??r f?r n? reason et cetera. Th?? type ?f person ?? superficial ?n? w??? ?ft?n lead ??? t? believe th?t h? ?r ?h? ?? a model t? society, wh?n behind closed doors th? brute appears.

H?t? ?? th? underlying source ?f th?? person?s ?n??r, ?n? h?t? h?? proven t? k???. A deep-seated jealousy ?? ???? underlying th? ?n??r issues within th??? types ?f individuals. Many ?f th?? type ?f ?n?r? persons take drugs, including cocaine, crack, marijuana ?n? others. Th?? ?ft?n exceed th? safety limit ?f alcohol consumption ?n? th?? ?n?? increases th? odds ?f th?m flying ?nt? a r???.

An example ?f b?? ?n??r management ?n? domestic violence ??n b? seen ?n a small town called Dowagiac ?n Michigan, wh?r? a man attempted t? k??? several women b?t w?? still allowed t? walk th? streets. L?tt?? ?n??r management h??? w?? provided t? th?? man ?n? ?ft?n h?? outrageous attacks w?r? simply b?????? h? felt th?t h? ????? n?t control h?? partners. Th? victims w?r? left without justice ?n? a few even believed th?t th?? ????? change h?? ?n?r? ways.

Pretty soon h? w?? sitting ?n th? county jail ?n a string ?f charges, including assault ?f a police officer ?n? hit ?n? r?n. Th? police, according t? witnesses, claim th?t th? criminal h?? a weapon ?n? w?? drunk wh?n h? fled ?n order t? elude th? police ?n? marijuana w?? found ?n h?? vehicle. Th?? person h?? a continuous history ?f violence b?t th? justice system ??t those victims down, wh??h led t? more ?n??r management problems.

Another example ?f ?n??r ?? ?n borderline personality types. Th??? people, wh?n feeling alone, w??? attack others. Sometimes th?? ?r? physically abusive, b?t m??t ?f th? time th?? ?r? verbally ?n? mentally abusive. Th? spouse h?? ?n?? t? ?? t? work ?n? wh?n h? ?r ?h? returns home, th?? w??? b? accused ?f doing something wr?n?.

Th? abusive person w?th ?n??r management problems m??ht even call th? workplace ?f th? partner many times a day t? check th?t h? ?r ?h? ?? n?t spending time w?th someone ????. Th?? ?? another type ?f domestic violence fr?m ?n ?n?r? person th?t seldom gets better, ?n? ??k? th? anti-social personality types, th??? people ?r? ??n??r??? ?n? manipulative.

Paranoid types ?r? ???? ??n??r??? ?n? manipulative b?t th??r ?n??r ??n never b? predicted. In m??t cases, th??? types act ?n voices perceived t? b? inside ?r outside th??r head. L?k? th? antisocial types, th? paranoid type rarely h?? justifiable reason f?r th??r behaviour. In m??t cases, ?t ?? merely a control issue. Th?? means th?t ?f th? victim ?? uncontrollable h? ?r ?h? w??? react angrily ?n? violently.

If th?? article ?n??r managent ?n? domestic violence h?? interested ??? ?n? ??? want t? read more, please ?? along t? http://?n??r-management.th?-real-way.com. Free reprint available fr?m: An??r Management An? Domestic Violence..

Source: http://howtoquit.ezwayto.com/2011/09/anger-management/anger-management-and-domestic-violence

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